Movers in Shufayri

Moving with movers in Fujairah
Delivery available to Shufayri
Объявление от Mala: «Moving with movers in Fujairah» 1 photos
Negotiated price
Not included in the rating
Min. order time 1 h.
Loading services movers for moving house
Number of people 30
Payment method cash payment
Payment procedure Prepayment
Work experience 9 years
Work method hourly

We offer you the best services of movers, call and ask all your questions.

Negotiated price
WhatsApp chat
Movers with a car, cheap
Delivery available to Shufayri
Объявление от Shoroq: «Movers with a car, cheap» 1 photos
Negotiated price
Not included in the rating
Min. order time 1 h.
Loading services movers with a truck
Number of people 17
Payment method cash/cashless
Payment procedure Prepayment
Work experience 8 years
Work method hourly

We provide services of loaders with a car, we work very quickly and efficiently!

Negotiated price
WhatsApp chat

Private ads services movers

Название Стоимость
Услуги грузчиков 350 AED/час
Услуги грузчиков 300 AED/час
Услуги грузчиков 250 AED/час
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