Tow trucks and car carriers in UAE

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Search of tow trucks and car carriers in the UAE

Towing with a tow truck is quite common today. Therefore, renting out a tow truck will always be in demand. We invite owners of special equipment to post ads about advertising tow truck services on our website. Requests for car towing come here every day. Visitors from your city will see the advertisement with tow truck services, since information on the site is distributed according to the location of the equipment.

Where can I order a tow truck without a dispatcher?

SpecGo allows direct interaction between special equipment owners and customers, so towing services are provided without intermediaries. You can rent a tow truck in any city; you just need to leave your application. Specify the cost of car towing services with the selected contractor.

After ordering on the site Wait for offers from equipment owners.
Choose the best price and conditions From the offers received.
Negotiate directly without intermediaries Negotiate all the details of your order.