Taxicabs service in Al-Manamah

Transportation between cities
Delivery available to Al-Manamah
Объявление от Krop: «Transportation between cities» 1 photos
Negotiated price
Not included in the rating
Vehicle brand toyota
Service specialization intercity transportation
Work experience 9 years
Cars in the park 5 unit
Payment method cash/cashless
Payment procedure Prepayment
Min. order time 1 h.

We offer you taxi services in Abu Dhabi. All questions strictly by phone!

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Taxi for rent, cheap
Delivery available to Al-Manamah
Объявление от Gor: «Taxi for rent, cheap» 1 photos
Negotiated price
Not included in the rating
Vehicle brand toyota
Service specialization freight forwarding
Work experience more than 10 years
Cars in the park 5 unit
Payment method cash/cashless
Payment procedure Payment by the fact
Min. order time 1 h.

Order our services right now, we have the best taxi services.

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Rental car with driver

Название Стоимость
Междугороднее Такси. Любые направления 19 AED/км
Перевозка пассажиров Москва, область, межгород 1500 AED/час
Трансфер Мурманск - Териберка 7000 AED
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